Dark darker yet darker entry
Dark darker yet darker entry

dark darker yet darker entry

This means the monitor in this room originally was supposed to show Entry Number 17. Room 256 is the room with the DT Extraction Machine. Gaster’s entry has the number spelled out, while this entry has the number written as digits.įurthermore, notice that the code places another message in the same room. Note that ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN and ENTRY NUMBER 17 are two different entries. With too much determination, our bodies begin to break down. Monsters’ physical forms can’t handle “determination” like humans’ can. As briefly mentioned in the theory, Alphys wrote the true lab entries, there is an unused ENTRY NUMBER 17 that explains the fate of the fallen monsters. Instead, there is another entry that fits with the rest. His entry speaks of a darkness, rather than about determination, the fallen monsters, or the vessel. While the lab entries are missing the seventeenth entry, Gaster’s entry has nothing to do with the rest. » view more: gaster’s lab entry seventeen screenshots It can be accessed by editing the game’s save files room value or by teleporting to the next room after the lab’s generator room in debug mode. This entry can only be found in room 264, which is fittingly named room_gaster. Throughout the game, there are many easter eggs related to Gaster, including ENTRY NUMBER SEVENTEEN.

Dark darker yet darker entry